Welcome to our Blog

To our patients, staff, community, and the rest of the cyber world:This blog is for your use. It will be updated regularly with recent office news, dental questions and answers, office staff profiles, the latest and greatest in the world of teeth, and more! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave it in the comments portion of each post. We look forward to blogging with you!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February is...

Children's Dental Health month!
We are excited to be celebrate along with the American Dental Association to "raise awareness about the importance of oral health" and help children "develop good habits at an early age" to begin a lifetime of healthy gums and teeth. (ADA website)

This month Dr. Travis Evans will be visiting elementary schools in Tualatin to help teach children about the importance of taking care of our teeth at a young age.

Let's get kids excited about taking care of their teeth! Have fun teaching your kids a new song. (to the tune of row, row, row your boat)

Brush, brush, brush your teeth, brush them every day.
Right, left, up, down, clean the plaque away.
Brush. brush, brush your teeth, brush them every day.
Front, back, take off the plaque, now we smile all day.

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